Saint Patrick's Day Celebration Just bring your beverage of choice and a small snack to share with your friends and neighbors. The Philpot's have adopted the March 16th 4pm Shenanigan at the clubhouse! Be sure to join your neighbors & friends for an afternoon of merriment & special shenanigans - I heard there will be […]
Find your best tropical attire - it's time to Margaritaville! Provided: Cheeseburgers in Paradise, Hotdogs & Margaritas! Bring a side or dessert plus your favorite beverage.
The days are longer and the sunsets at the point are spectacular, so May will be a SUNSETÂ Shenanigan, outside under the clubhouse pavilion starting at 7pm. Just bring your own favorite beverage to toast the sunset with your neighbors.
The days are longer and the sunsets at the point are spectacular, so June will be a SUNSETÂ Shenanigan, outside under the clubhouse pavilion starting at 7pm. Just bring your own favorite beverage to toast the sunset with your neighbors.
10am: Golf Cart Parade 7pm; Dinner: RCPOA will provide fried chicken & wings: you provide sides & desserts 9pm: FireworksI f it rains on July 4th, the event will move to July 6th.
Sunset Shenanigans starting at 7:30pm at the point. Just bring your beverage of choice and join your neighbors in toasting the sunset.